The Poodle Challenge
I did not want to ride yesterday. I was cold all morning curled up at my desk. Figured I’ve been over-doing it on the bike and though I did not ride on Sunday, the zero day did nothing for my legs. But I had to worry about the Poodle Challenge knowing that Ruby can easily ride his 20 kilometers to work everyday and be done with me easy. And so I am dumb enough to try and stick with him by making my commute at least 20 ks when it is only about 7.0. So I rode 21.74. Being that much smarter than me, on 22 May Ruby only rode 7.0. That’s it. In other words I rode his normal commuting mileage and he rode mine. There must be some strategy here – somewhere. (Thank god this is over at the end of the month.)
Hey, That's my dog. That's my bike to. And since you've also cycled my mileage... Hey, wait a minute, is this that identity theft that I've been hearing so much about recently? Ok. So like, the Poodle challenge it is. We had a holiday in Canada on Monday. But tonight I will have to cycle home from work the long way if I'm to keep up with you...
PS. I hope that you're being nice to my dog.
That’s right, Ruby. But you mustn’t be angry, Ruby….Think of me as Hal from 2001 Space Oddity. :-) I’m basically - no - TOTALLY taking over your life.
I tend to ride duration
not distance
intensity and desire may vary
much of this all banks upon small windows of opportunity
I try to mix up my short rides by mixing up what bike I ride
that forces different workouts on the same route
Gwadzilla – I think my problem may have to do with riding a similar distance every day since I jumped into riding in the mid-20 kilometers per day. It made me happy to reach that distance and to start climbs for about half of it. But now my legs feel tired everyday. Like I’m not recovering and yesterday I tried to go into the 30 k range and failed miserably. Need some time out and some smoother rides. Today I rest completely because my buddies plan to take me out tomorrow so I’ll be climbing some mountain somewhere.
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